

Deepanshi is a 3-year-old baby girl whose disability was not accepted by her grandparents. As a result, adjusting in a joint family became a big challenge for her mother. Deepanshi’s treatment was quite challenging for her mother as she was completely bedridden with no speech before approaching Kiwanis.

Due to the determination of Deepanshi’s mother and our P&O team, there is hope that she may recover up to some extent. We at Kiwanis will keep working in this direction to help many more underprivileged children like Deepanshi.

MD. Mateen M Khan

24 years old M. Mateen Khan is an electrician by profession.  To feed a huge family of 10 members, Mateen had to start working at the tender age of 16 itself.  When he turned 20, he got electrocuted and lost his left leg and right hand.  He was doing well for himself however, now all the flying color vanished from his life.  For him it became a great challenge to even meet the day-to-day requirements.

However, he was referred to Kiwanis by one of his relatives.  Our expr P&O and Technical team prepared artificial limbs for Mateen and gait training also provided to him. Today, Mateen feels extremely comfortable in walking and doing daily chores with the help of his prosthetic limbs.  He conveys his best wishes to Kiwanis.



Ravichandran a 55 year old patient met with a bus accident in Chennai in the year 1997.  As a result, his left leg had to be amputated below the knee.

He is married and has one daughter who is pursuing MBA.  Unfortunately, Mr.Ravichandran lost his son who was a lawyer, about a month ago.

Mr.Ravichandran has been using a prosthetic leg from the past 22 years given him by different organisation.  However, 10 days back he visited Kiwanis for an artificial leg.  Our expert P&O tem provided him a beautiful modular artificial leg.

Mr.Ravichandran says and we are quoting “I have started using the artificial leg I am very content with the services and hospitality of your NGO.  The prosthetic leg feels very comfortable”.

Mr Ravichandran works as a counsellor to drug addicted patients in Chennai. With the help of the artificial limb which Kiwanis has given him absolutely free of cost, he is able to ride his bike and go around nearby centres providing counselling.

Subhasini Behra

Subhasini Behra is a 54 year old patient, resident of Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi. She had suffered from a stroke, impacting her life in distinct ways. She faced difficulties with regard to simple ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) such as wearing clothes, using washrooms etc and even unable to walk on her own. Furthermore, her financial condition led to depression. She was not financially strong to get proper treatment & therapy and also she didn’t get any support from others. However, her life took a turn when she approached the Kiwanis Club of New Delhi, for free treatment on 29 Jan 2020.

With the expert guidance of our Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy team and of course with her own sincere dedication, we have witnessed a remarkable change in her life.

She is now able to perform most ADL activities. In fact, unlike before instead of depending on her son and her husband, she comes to the centre for treatment independently every day and happy with her own abilities. She was one of the most curious patients to know the opening date of Kiwanis during the lockdown.


Ananya Philip 

Ananya Philip is a 4 year old girl resident of R K Puram, New Delhi with GDD (Global Development Delay) by birth. She was totally bedridden for two consecutive years. Her parents have lately recognized that she has a GDD issue and they tried their best to improve her condition. Her father is a driver, who was not able to continue the highly expensive treatment for Ananya. Her parents got information about us from their friend circle and then onwards they have regularly been consulting us for therapy.

Before visiting us, Ananya was unable to sit or stand on her own. Now, she has completed two years of therapy with our expert OT/PT teams and has developed a perfect grip. Her speech has also cleared relatively. Now, she can sit and stand without any support. Her parents are hopeful of her having a chance at growing up normally after the progress that they have witnessed. We are very proud of her progress and also thankful to all the supporters of Kiwanis.

Bhanu Tyagi

Bhanu Tyagi is a 19 year old teenager who belongs to Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. He lost his right leg in a train accident in November 2017. He was very disappointed with his injury which had happened at his young age. This accident has erased all rays of hope in him to build a bright future. Now, he got his Artificial Leg at the Kiwanis Artificial Limb Centre for free of cost and started the new journey of life. He believes that KCND has given him a new life.